The goal of wcshapes is to make spatial lagging with country-year but also other panel data easier.

Note: this is still in very early stages. Use with caution.


To install the latest version from GitHub:


The package is not on CRAN.


The core function spatlag() spatially lags variables in a country-year dataset. It is self-aware of the Gleditsch and Ward statelist and will construct spatial weights matrices using the time-appropriate set of independent states using shapefiles from the cshapes package.

First, let’s construct a panel dataset with a variable, x, that is 1 for a limited number of country-years. wstates is setup to work in conjunction with the states package, which generates country-year data matching the G\&W statelist using state_panel():

#> Linking to GEOS 3.7.2, GDAL 2.4.2, PROJ 5.2.0

states <- state_panel(as.Date("2011-12-31"), as.Date("2012-12-31"), partial = "exact")
states <- subset(states, !states$gwcode %in% c(396, 397))
states$x <- as.integer(
  (states$gwcode %in% c(2, 260, 490) & states$date=="2011-12-31") |
  (states$gwcode %in% c(2) & states$date=="2012-12-31"))

And here is how to spatially lag x:

# spatial lag x
states$slag_x <- spatlag(states$x, states$gwcode, states$date)

# or, equivalently
states <- states %>%
  dplyr::mutate(slag_x = spatlag(x, gwcode, date))

A visual check that the lagging was correct:

Country-year W matrices

wstates() creates W matrices for the independent states at a given date. This is useful for visualizing the relationships.

Types of weights matrices

I’ve been using (rook) contiguity for now during development, but the plan is to add more. Here’s one with power-weighted inverse distance:


est_adm1$x <- as.integer(est_adm1$NAME_1 == "Harju")
w0 <- w_dist_power(st_geometry(est_adm1), alpha = .5)
w1 <- w_dist_power(st_geometry(est_adm1), alpha = 2)
w2 <- w_contiguity(st_geometry(est_adm1))
est_adm1$x_sl0 <- as.numeric(w0 %*% est_adm1$x)
est_adm1$x_sl1 <- as.numeric(w1 %*% est_adm1$x)
est_adm1$x_sl2 <- as.numeric(w2 %*% est_adm1$x)

plot(est_adm1[, c("x", "x_sl0", "x_sl1", "x_sl2")])